
We … are made of our past and present. The stories we tell ourselves, the work our bodies have done for us, the experiences that mark us—they matter. Everything we’ve lived through has brought us to today. And … it matters where we’re going.

What are you doing today to get you where you want to be? 

Many of us have visions for ourselves—unmet goals, unrealized dreams. It can be easy to negate the goals and dreams we have for our bodies. We dismiss the messages our bodies send us—ignoring our pain, our desires. We push aside our needs—often for good reason; often not.

What do you want out of your life? Your body? Your health? What messages have you been telling yourself about who you are and what you are capable of? Are those messages serving you?

GEM Fitness is a woman-owned company. Owner and trainer Grazhel Moreno passionately coaches committed women into the fitness future they are hoping for using science-backed, intentional plans—all strategically crafted around each client’s individual needs. 

Ready to run after what you’re really wanting?


1:1 Remote Coaching

Regular coaching and accountability—all done virtually!


Results oriented personalized training and nutrition program

By Website Editor 31 Mar, 2022
Attention all shy gals! This is your sign to take up space in the weight room. If you’ve been feeling anxious about working out at the gym… whether you aren’t really sure what you’re doing, not sure how to use the equipment, feel like a complete newbie, or simply feel overwhelmed or self-conscious being in the gym… Below you'll find a collection of tips that I’ve gathered from personal experience, client inputs, & through the help of my instagram community: How to get comfortable being in the weight room: Workout in one spot you feel the most comfy being at & then start venturing off more. Do your stretches or cardio while scoping out the gym to get yourself familiar. Go in with a plan instead of trying to figure it out on the fly so you can avoid walking around feeling lost. Have your hype music ready to help you get out of your head, keep your focus on the workout rather than what people are thinking, & get a boost of confidence from your fave jams. I know the weight room can be very intimidating but keep in mind that: Everyone started somewhere & your journey is unique, as is everyone else. Everyone is there to work on themselves; to get better & feel better. So focus on yourself. You can always bring a friend with you . Having gym buddies can help you feel more at ease knowing there’s someone there with you. What if you don’t really like your gym? Don’t hesitate to switch to another gym. Environment & gym culture is very important. If you don’t really vibe with the place, & you’ve given it a few chances, give other gyms a try. What if you’re not really sure what you're doing? If you're not sure how to use the equipment, ask the staff for help. More often than not they are willing to help. You can also hire a coach; either a trainer or an online coach like me, wink wink. A coach can create a custom training plan for you that will help you reach your specific goals. Checkout my Custom Program packages If you're a fitness enthusiast, try to learn as much as you can so you can build the confidence being in the weight room; if you’re unsure, guaranteed you’ll find credible answers online. You're also welcome to DM me on Instagram if you have questions. Remember that you belong in the weight room just as much as anyone else! Special thanks to my clients & my instagram community for sharing their insights.
By grazhel 17 Mar, 2022
I'll spare you the long science breakdown of protein & how it helps with getting lean. Instead, I'll provide you with enough information to gain an understanding and a few action steps you can take & implement right away. What is protein? Protein is one of the 3 main macronutrients we eat. It is made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of most stuff in our bodies. Reasons why eating more protein helps you get leaner Increases satiety - which essentially means it helps you feel fuller longer & therefore, curbs your appetite. It is the building block of muscles. When paired with resistance training, an adequate protein intake helps you build lean muscle mass. It is important in repairing tissues such as your muscles, and helps promote recovery. How much protein do I need? Generally, you should aim to eat 0.64-0.9g per pound body weight per day. However, consuming higher levels of about >1g per pound may help with satisfying hunger and maintaining a healthy body composition. Tips on increasing protein intake Include a protein source with each meal Double up on protein for each meal Add in protein supplements if necessary Please keep this in mind: You should prioritize eating real whole, minimally processed sources of protein. Supplementation is ideal if you're busy or have a hard time making good protein choices on the go. Prioritize foods & flavors you actually enjoy & know how to cook & prep. Here is a list of healthy protein sources Download & use this list the next time you are grocery shopping, or out eating with friends & family.

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